Vaporizing Smoking Harmful Compounds From Electronic Cigarettes


Vaporizing Smoking Harmful Compounds From Electronic Cigarettes

An electric cigarette is basically an electric device which simulate real tobacco smoking. It is powered by batteries, much like those used in an electric cigarette. Instead of nicotine, the smoker inhales only vapor. Therefore, with an electronic cigarette, similar to smoking a regular cigarette, is frequently described as “vaping.” Electric cigarettes are increasingly gaining in popularity with current youth.

Smoking tobacco has been connected with many serious health threats. Inhaling tobacco smoke has been shown to cause various types of cancer; most notably, lung cancer. Electronic cigarettes do not contribute to this problem given that they do not contain any tobacco or tar. Instead, electric cigarettes contain nicotine, which may have damaging affects on brain development. That is especially important with teenagers, who already show a diminished attention span and a tendency to be impulsive.

Nicotine from vapor can enter the bloodstream where it stimulates chemical reactions within the body. The blood absorbs the nicotine, diluting it into less dense blood globes. The brain is then stimulated to release neurotransmitters such as for example dopamine and epinephrine, which excite the respiratory muscles to take more air and breathe harder. The increased oxygen intake stimulates more air flow, which activates the muscles surrounding the lungs to increase ventilation, further enhancing blood circulation.

Some vapers prefer to use an electric cigarette or “e-juice”, which is a combination of glycerin, propylene glycol, along with other ingredients. Because glycerin is naturally sweet, some vapers think it is appealing to inhale the sweet aroma, which lingers on the throat and in the nasal passage. Propylene glycol can be used as a stabilizing agent for e-juice, preventing it from evaporating quickly. It has additionally been found to mimic the effects of nicotine.

There are several theories about why people decide to quit smoking by switching to vapor products. One theory is that smokers who do not have enough nicotine within their system could find it hard to attain the smoking point. By substituting tobacco products with these less harmful products, they may feel a similar degree of stimulation minus the associated risks of nicotine. Another theory is that children who have not developed fully may develop issues with their lungs should they inhale tobacco smoke.

In general, e-cigarettes usually do not contain nicotine, however they do contain other chemicals that could interest adult users. Many e-cigs come flavored with fruit flavors, candy, or other sugary flavors that interest children. Other flavors aren’t suitable for children, especially if you can find already significant chemical changes happening in the brains of young smokers. Even for adults, several vapor products contain herbal extracts and menthol, which are not best for the young or the elderly. It is important to read the label of any e-liquid that you will be considering.

Some vapors come pre-filled, but there is also a threat of these chemicals being absorbed in to the skin. If a heating element is included in the e-arette, then there is even more risk of exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals. It will also be noted that the normal heating element is very small, making it very hard to heat the substance enough to destroy all of the harmful chemicals.

With all the dangers of these chemicals, it really is surprising that so many young people are attracted to the taste of e-cigarettes. They appear to believe by getting “high” they will feel much better about their lives. These vapors remain relatively new, but you can find real concerns that needs to be addressed before this new technology becomes more mainstream. At least, we can comfort ourselves with the knowledge that the vapor that comes from these devices poses little to no danger to your health.

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